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Image by Timothy Dykes


Andy Rodriguez


Image of me near the time I am speaking of in my memoir.

Memoir Essay

My academic life has always been a constant struggle. Being introverted or self-secluded was an obstacle I had to overcome when working with peers. This hassle was especially evident in middle school when I had to work in teams but couldn't communicate.  I had to work in a group assignment, and I was unfortunately paired up with unmotivated workers. I tried to communicate and express my authority. Weirdly, nothing came out of my mouth, no matter how much I told myself to speak out. With my lack of communication, I was not able to take control of my team's work and did not complete my assignment. This lead to me earning my first zero. I learned from my failure the importance of expressing myself rather than concealing my emotions and thoughts. Nowadays, I try to be the first person to take action and break the ice helping me succeed in projects. This moment in my life was pivotal to my academic and social success.


Amanda Silveyra

Her Battle Scar

My memoir was based on my surgical recovery. In four months I gained full mobility after having MPFL reconstruction on my right knee. This surgery changed my life, specifically my scar, because it represents a battle scar. Losing muscle in my right leg post-surgery was heartbreaking because I felt I was no longer as strong. People like my surgical orthopedic and my therapist incredibly contributed to my recovery. There was more than physical damage done to me because I was also emotionally damaged. I became insecure and depressed due to my surgery. "I realized I was the only one who could change my circumstances and the only one that was suffering," and slowly emotionally recovered. 

A recovery stories, similar to mine!
My surgeon 

An embarrassing photo of me at thirteen years old, ready for surgery!

My therapist, Joey
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Mia Cruz

Fixed Future: The Stereotypes

Being placed under stereotypes has pushed me to become a disciplined young woman. The effects of being motivated to break stereotypes have been both negative and positive. I believe that despite all the pressure that was placed upon me I have been able to overcome anything. I became stronger person, both mentally and physically, with the pressure of my family’s own stereotypes. My memoir could be considered extremely personal but I believe that sharing a story like mine will give a perspective of why I became the student that I am.


Why My Tears Are No Longer There

On the day of my grandmother's death, most of my relatives made the trek over to Juarez. It was extremely disheartening, and on the trip I made the realization about how my tears alongside everyone else's tears quickly dissipated in the sun and concrete. The Rio Grande below the bridge embodied the empty emotions My family went through and how devoid of anything everything felt. I saw how I cried for others while my grandmother's body was laid bare before us. 

The emotions I felt that day, even the ones I didn't all impact me to this day. Passerby fill me with sadness. I'll never know their struggles, their pain, the clothes they've had to sort through after a loved one dies, all because their tears dried up in the concrete and sun as mine did that day.

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