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Group 1

  • Equality - The goal of female literacy is to promote equality for readers.

  • Pseudonyms - When women began writing anonymously, they continued to be criticized and ridiculed for writing. They began publishing under male names, or pseudonyms to gain traction.

  • Literary canon - Ever science writing was invented, literature was exclusive to men. Because of this, they were the ones to determine literary masterpieces.

  • Stereotypes - Women characters in literature were always stereotyped. Females were represented as inferior, weak, and dependent. 

  • Education - The lack of women and poor representation of them in literature affected how children viewed them in their own classrooms. Females were not seen as successful and were rarely seen as protagonists.

  • Revival - Recently, many works from old female authors are being reevaluated and considered to be part of the literary canon. 

  • Now - Women are not stereotyped as much anymore, and more commonly are depicted as rich and equal to men in literature.

  • Diversity - Some critics think it is unfair to include female literacy just to add to the diversity of the bunch.

  • Gender - The literary canon should not be determined by sex. Women don't want an advantage in literature, they want equality.

  • Understanding - Female literary criticism helps understand the women's experience now and in the past, and to appreciate women.


  • Promotes equality- fair representation and treatment of women in texts and classrooms

  • Women are not involved in literary texts and curriculm in classroom

  • The female perspective is being depicted in a non-biased light


  • Gender is more important now- literature continues to be baked upon the person who wrote it, not the content of the text



In this section, we have added additional works of poetry that we have gathered. Our first individual project was around an allegory, some of us picked a blanket, melodies, or scorpions. 

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In this poem, I used a blanket and compared it to the warmth of a mother's love. Lines like "craddles...warmth...wraps...held her hand... show the love and affection of a mother. 

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A modern-day relationship is compared to a sponge. A woman in this case is the sponge being used by a man who eventually falls in love with someone else. 

Mia Cruz

Poems- Allegory of a scorpion to heartbreak 

​Andy Rodriguez

This poem is an allegory. Upfront we speak from a blanket's perspective as it watches its owner depart from it and rotates with other blankets as the owner gets older. If one were to look deeper, one would notice that the authors are truly speaking of a breakup, when one feels lost when their significant other find another love beside them. 


Who are you sleeping with?

Are you with that wool weighted sheet?

You don't need me anymore

I was with you at your darkest times

Are you not comfortable enough with me?

Now you moved on and have gone with someone else

I'm here worn down, down to my last string, 

waiting for you to come home back to me

Where did you go?

Am I not warm enough for you?

Do I not make you happy anymore?

I remember you needing me every day


I miss the days where I slept with you

It's not the same with other sheets

I remember the good old days when I was happy and could be reckless with you as i threw you across the room

I hurt from my hypothermic violet fingers 

I miss the microclimate we interweaved 

I’ve been so anxious without your radiant heat

I can’t sleep without your warmth and cloudlike wool

Back to blanket-

I visited a place called the good will, 

Someone else found me

But i'm not the same from when I first met you

You changed me,

You broke me down, but I'm still here

My silk- cloth skin is obsolete without you

I slowly deteriorate while time passes 

Time that I am not covering you.

Blanky, Andy, Briana, Lilly, Marice, Destiny


Drops of liquid Melody

Face them; a screen, 

Their mouths move; I don’t hear

Ears wander towards a soulful voice at arm’s reach

They don’t know my bliss, my mind is serenaded and every second I’m here

My beach of harmony.

The couch conforms; I sink in to the cacophony,

My lips on theirs

Our voices synchronize

We both reach our deepest pitches.

Everything has drowned, 

Except for us.

Till I see her glass bottom

My muse makes my heart riff 

A saxophone palpitating to the tune of her clinking whims

Another one, they don't know how good I have it

Her cap chimes notes as it falls to my sodden wood floor

Down to her lowest note

She strums my chords until her last drop

A dissonant screech kills her sound

The door opened

How could they?

My refrain halts

I need her

Silence haunts me

Until I hit play once more 

And my Eyes gloss over to the sound of violins

No one knows how good I have it.

This poem seeks to make an allegory of alcoholism by means of comparing it to the sweet sounds of a melody.

The grossly addictive personage 

of alcohol is contrasted with the

soothing being of a melody. 

In the end, alcohol makes one

falsely feel at peace or 

happy, much like a melody



English 1301 course evaluation

Throughout this course, there have been tough times and moments in which all hard work comes together, like in our blog. Here are some of our opinions on the course. Enjoy <3

Amanda- I began taking a piece of this course in the summer. Since I am a grade level advanced, I took this rigorous course as a sophomore, which initially intimidated me, but I saw myself in the same boat as others. I did not find myself with much homework as long as I did not procrastinate. When called out to present my information in front of the entire class, I was not too fond of it, but now I appreciate being pushed out of my comfort zone. Now I can say that I have learned and become a better writer because of my experiences in this class. With most of them learning from mistakes, I appreciate those moments and could say that I have learned much from Ms. Subia. For the first time in a long time, I feel like I have learned something, and I can see an improvement in my vocabulary and perception of life. The anxiety before class was soooo bad, but I now recognize that it was for the best. Overall I would rate this class an 8/10 because I felt I learned, but I wish our work got praised for its effort more often. 

Andy-This year has been stressful. English 1301 has been a challenging and insightful course to take. There were some horrible nights when I would stay up till four in the morning to finish my work. Of course, this is my fault, but the stress of the work we have to do is madness. I can't put my finger on why I've been so stressed about this class. Reflecting on my experience, I can firmly say it is not as bad as it felt. All this work that I stressed over has thankfully paid off. I know how more advanced literacy skills than before. Because of these impeccable improvements in my literacy, I would recommend this class to others. The skills one learns in English 1301 help improve ones writing, which can further help one in the long run, like in university. This class is an obstacle to beat, but once one understands the ropes, English 1301 gives hope.

Mia - In my opinion, English 1301 was a challenging course. I feel relieved that this course is over because writing five essays and ten discussion posts in 5 months was quite stressful. I have never been confident in my writing skills, so throughout this course; I always felt like I did a lousy job on everything. At the same time, I feel excited to see the type, of course, English 1302. From this course, I learned that everything has a meaning; we need to analyze things more deeply. I also believe that my writing skills have improved. This was my biggest takeaway from this course because, since the beginning of the semester, I had hoped to improve my writing skills this course. The only thing I would change from this course is the amount of work that is given throughout the course. Except for the five essays required by the college, I think that maybe toning down the workload would benefit the students taking this course. This course was also fun because we got to work in groups and create a blog. I learned many things from this course. The teacher, Ms. Subia, is a great teacher. The grading might be harsh and strict, but that is what makes this class be taken seriously. 

More info relating to our theme of an enchanted forest

Gael - This class of English 1301 was nothing if not straining for me. I recall plenty of moments in which I truly felt lost in writing and had little idea of how to complete an assignment to the teacher's specifications. Prior to this year I had been mostly confident in my writing ability and found a shelter in my words when all else failed. However this semester, I lacked something. I wasn't able to find comfort in writing anymore, despite still very much caring for my ability and word-use. This semester taught me there was more to writing than skill or ability. One also had to listen. Learning to listen was tough, and I'd argue I haven't fully realized that aspect of my writing yet. If I were to offer any opinions on what could change of the course I'd like to suggest more discussion of the essays, themes, or literature within class that is not strictly bound to tests or assignments. Having a more open space for free discussion can do wonders for people struggling to grasp the concept of the assignment.


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